March 2025The Arle Valley Voice 

Please click here to read the March 2025 edition.

This colourful monthly magazine (11 issues with July/August combined) circulates in New Alresford, Old Alresford, Bighton and Ovington parishes in the Arle Valley Benefice. It has a circulation of about 400 copies a month. 

Copies are distributed throughout the community including estate agents, schools, the surgery and the library. The magazine has a large loyal following of regular readers who buy an annual subscription (£15). We also do our best to ensure that all newcomers to Alresford are given a free copy. We are always trying to increase our readership.

The Arle Valley Voice is sold at £1.60 a month in all the Benefice churches and from the Six West Newsagents in Alresford.  

Please contact Caroline Hawkins on 01962 732964 for more subscription information.

Would you like to contribute to our magazine? 

We always welcome contributions from our readers. There is an opportunity to share a wide variety of reports, stories and items of interest.  We would love to hear from you! 

Articles on the following are keenly sought after: 
Local area walks
Travel/adventure stories
Spiritual life and growth
Recycling tips & advice/reducing plastic waste
Photos, alone or with a story 
An event you would like publicised 

Your contributions can be from as little as 50 words to a full page article of 750 words. Photos are lovely accents to articles and also mean there is less for you to write! 

If you would like to contribute, please feel free to contact the editorial team at for inclusion in The Arle Valley Voice. 

Advertising in the Arle Valley Voice

The advertising year runs from January to December, with the majority of advertisers taking space for the year, although shorter periods may be taken to support your advertising campaign. Both colour and black & white advertising space is offered with sizes ranging from 1/8th to a full page. Details of sizes and prices are attached. 

Many advertisers have a fixed house style for the year, although there is the opportunity to modify the artwork at the end of each year if required. Finished artwork in pdf format is preferred. 

For further advertising information, please contact