Electoral Roll 

What is the Electoral Roll and why should I apply to have my name added to the Electoral Roll?

1686663174-z9PcAz8dBeing on the Electoral Roll of a parish is a way of showing your willingness to help shape the future of the Church of England, both locally and nationally. 

The Electoral Roll is simply a “Church Membership” list and by doing so you become a voting member of the Church of England and so help to ensure that all the councils of the church, the Parochial Church Council, the Deanery Synod and the General Synod, are fully representative of its members.  You may attend and vote at the Annual Meeting where elections take place for the Parochial Church Council and the Deanery Synod. In other words YOUR CHURCH NEEDS YOU!

Who can be on the Electoral Roll?

To apply for the Electoral Roll you must meet ALL the following conditions:

  • You must be aged 16 or over (though you can apply in the year you become 16 and your name will be entered once your birth date has passed).
  • You must be baptised.
  • You must be a member of the Church of England* and EITHER live in the parish OR have attended a church in the parish regularly for at least 6 months.

What does being on the Electoral Roll enable me to do?

If you are on the Electoral Roll, you can:

  • Come to the APCM and take part in the meeting. You can ask any question of parish church or general church interest.
  • Stand for election to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and/or deanery synod.
  • Propose candidates for election to the PCC and/or deanery synod.
  • Vote for those standing for election to the PCC and/or deanery synod.

How can I contact an Electoral Roll officer to join or ask further questions?

St. John's
The Electoral Roll is revised every year prior to the Annual Meeting. In order to vote at the APCM, or to be elected to the PCC or any office, you must be on the Roll. Every six years the Roll has to undergo a complete revision and this means that, this year, 2025 all those currently on the Roll and anyone wishing to apply for the first time will need to complete a new application form. Should you be unsure if you are already on the Roll, there is a copy in the Parish Office or you can ask our Electoral Roll Officer, Janet Pooley.

The closing date for entry on the St. John's Roll is Tuesday 7th April, after which no names may be added until the APCM has been held on Tuesday 22nd April. You can download a form here or apply with a paper form available at the back of the church or direct from Janet. Completed forms should be left in the Parish Office or be sent to the address below. If preferred, the completed form once signed and dated may be sent to the Parish office by email to: arlevalleychurches@gmail.com.

If you have any questions about enrolment or problems in using the form, please contact Janet Pooley on 01962 732779.

St. Mary's
Please contact Colin Pope, t. 01962 732132, email: colin.pope@btinternet.com

St. Peter's
Vicky Mackintosh, t. 01962 734182, email: vmackintosh@btconnect.com

All Saints
Please contact Sally Ellis, email: robert.sally120@gmail.com